Monday 12 December 2022

The Innovation of Box Gutters: How They Can Protect Your Home

 Most people don't give gutters a second thought—that is until they start leaking and causing water damage to their homes. But many gutter supply near me don't realize that not all gutters are created equal. There's a secret history behind one type of gutter that you may not be aware of: the box gutter.

Box gutters were once a common feature in homes, but they fell out of favor in the early 20th century due to their tendency to leak. However, recent innovations have made box gutters much more reliable, and they're now making a comeback as a popular choice for homeowners who want to protect their homes from water damage. Here's everything you need to know about box gutters, from their history to how they can protect your home.

What Are Box Gutters?

Box gutters are a type of gutter that's enclosed on all four sides, unlike traditional open gutters which are only enclosed on two sides. This makes them much more resistant to leaks since water can only escape through the downspout at the end of the gutter instead of seeping out through cracks and holes.

How Box Gutters Can Protect Your Home?

Box gutters are an effective way to protect your home from water damage because they're less likely to leak than open gutters. In addition, they can help redirect rainwater away from your foundation and prevent it from seeping into your basement or crawl space. If you live in an area with heavy rainfall or frequent storms, box gutters can be an invaluable addition to your home that will help keep it dry and safe from water damage.


If you're looking for a way to protect your home from water damage, consider installing box gutters with gutter supply near me. Box gutters are less likely to leak than open gutters, and they can help redirect rainwater away from your foundation. With proper maintenance, box gutters can be a durable and effective way to keep your home dry during even the heaviest rains.